Child protection case management: training manual for caseworkers, supervisors and manager

Global Protection Cluster - Child Protection, ECHO and USAID


This Training Manual is developed based on the Child Protection Working Group Interagency Guidelines for Case Management. The Facilitator’s Guide provides guidance on the key steps to take before, during and after training, including customizing the training to different contexts and audiences.

The Training Manual was developed following a desk review and scoping study, which involved field visits to east and southern Africa and an online survey distributed to country-level caseworkers and managers through the global Child Protection Working Group. It was revised following piloting in Syria, Mali, Somalia, (for the east and southern Africa region) and Jordan (for the Middle East region) and Task Force feedback.

The cover shows a young girl drawing next to a woman. The background is light purple, with the logos of the Child Protection Cluster, ECHO and USAID. There is also two palettes of light colors.
Global Protection Cluster - Child Protection, ECHO and USAID
Publication date