Health needs assessment: Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan Religious and Ethnic Minority



This assessment examines the health status and needs of religious and ethnic minority (REM) communities in five countries: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. Under the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Services Activity (MELS), Management Systems International (MSI) conducted this assessment to help inform United States Agency for International Development (USAID) health programming under the vice president’s initiative to support MENA REM communities.

This assessment addresses the following assessment questions (AQs) for each of the five selected countries and across the region.
1. What is the overall current health status of REM communities?
2. What are the primary health care system strengths and weaknesses at the community level?
3. What are the critical health needs and gaps in primary health care services for the REM communities in the region?
4. What external stresses impact the ability to provide health services and achieve outcomes?
5. What are the relevant lessons learned from other projects and donors on improving primary health care services for vulnerable populations in the region?

The assessment focused mainly on the primary health care system—including public and private health service delivery—at the local and community level as this is where most REM populations seek services.

Health needs assessment: Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan Religious and Ethnic Minority  cover
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