Positive Pathways event - A health impact evaluation of "Advancing Adolescents"

Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises and Mercy Corps


As part of the No Lost Generation Summit on Psychosocial Support Programming for Conflict, Rana Dajani (Hashemite University, We Love Reading), Alastair Ager (Queen Margaret University), Mark Eggerman and Catherine Panter-Brick (Yale University) presented on behalf of Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) their health impact evaluation of "Advancing Adolescents". "Advancing Adolescents" is a program led by Mercy Corps to alleviate adolescents' profound stress for youth affected by the Syria crisis. R2HC researchers undertook an impact evaluation of this programme, assessing its impact on wellbeing and on the body. The Powerpoint presentation finishes with recommendations related to interventions on wellbeing.

Positive Pathways event - A health impact evaluation of "Advancing Adolescents" screenshot
Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises and Mercy Corps
Publication date