Regional report on out-of-school children

The UNESCO Institute of Statistics and UNICEF MENA


The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Regional Report is part of the Global Out-of-School Children Initiative (OOSCI), launched by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) in 2010. The overall objectives of the Initiative are to: improve the statistical information and analysis on out-of-school children; identify and analyse the barriers that contribute to exclusion from education; analyse existing policies and strategies related to enhanced school participation.

The Regional Report bases its analysis of the problem of out-of-school children on the model developed by the Initiative, the so-called Five Dimensions of Exclusion Model. The model works with five main target groups: dimensions 1, 2 and 3 include children who are not participating in formal education in three age groups: pre-primary, primary and lower secondary age; and dimensions 4 and 5 include children who are enrolled in primary or lower secondary education respectively but who are at risk of dropping out.

The report builds on nine recent national studies on out-of-school children in MENA: Algeria, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen, by bringing in analysis and key findings on profiles as well as barriers and policy responses from these studies.

The cover shows three small pictures of children learning on a yellow background made of icons related to education
The UNESCO Institute of Statistics and UNICEF MENA
Publication date