Review and assessment of MHPSS intervention research in humanitarian settings

Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (ELRHA)


This study conducted by Anthrologica and the MHPSS Collaborative, commissioned by Elrha, reviews mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) research generated since 2010. Its purpose is to assess the extent to which new evidence generated through MHPSS research funded in the last 10 years has addressed the identified need for research that provides tangible benefits for MHPSS programming in humanitarian settings.

The scope and aims of mental health and psychosocial interventions targeting people affected by humanitarian emergencies are wide and a review in 2010 identified a disconnect between MHPSS research and practice. It recognised the urgency to research commonly used approaches that target the broader MHPSS needs of those affected by humanitarian crises, particularly those that aim to prevent distress and promote wellbeing, including community-based interventions. Subsequent recommendations identified a clear need to generate useful evidence that could be immediately translated to MHPSS programming. Ten years on, this study assesses the evidence that has been generated since the recommendations were made. Specifically, this study examines how the generated evidence has contributed to the public health evidence base, influenced programming and policy in humanitarian settings, and advanced the research agenda.

Review and assessment of MHPSS intervention research in humanitarian settings cover with a colorful logo of a network of points
Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (ELRHA)
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