2018 round table for child protection in humanitarian action and education in emergencies

Mark Chapple, the head of NLG, presented the initiative at the round table for child protection in humanitarian action and education in emergencies held on October 15, 2018 in Nairobi.

No Lost Generation
15 November 2018

No Lost Generation shared their experiences of collaboration and coordination at the regional level across child protection and education in humanitarian settings at the Alliance and Inter-Agency Network of Education in Emergencies (INEE) roundtable held in Nairobi, Kenya on October 15, 2018. This event hosted practitioners, researchers, donors and policy makers to share experiences and ideas to highlight the advantages of collaboration and integrated programming in emergency contexts.

The concept and framework of the No Lost Generation Regional Working Group was presented at the roundtable for other humanitarian contexts to consider. Specifically, the presentation drew on the multi-sector initiatives which No Lost Generation encourages, such as a regional Child Labor Framework, a regional ECCD forum, and the series of high-level cross-sectoral events No Lost Generation holds. 

The roundtable report can be found HERE.