No Lost Generation Tech Summit 2019

Learn to earn

No Lost Generation
Three NLG Tech Summit participants having a discussion
No Lost Generation
25 June 2019

The third annual No Lost Generation (NLG) Tech Summit this year took place in Jordan, Amman on June 25 and 26. It is an event which calls for the most promising solutions that leverage technology and partnerships to connect learning to earning at the benefit of adolescents and youth in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The summit, organised by UNICEF and NetHope and in collaboration with youth and nine UN agencies and non-governmental organisations from the No Lost Generation initiative aims to identify existing tech-enabled solutions to address the needs of young people and bring together nonprofit, private sector, educators, policymakers, as well as youth and communities.

Participant speaking

“We must create employment opportunities that are worthy of out talented young people, let’s all help to build an empowered future for our people, based on knowledge, opportunity and innovation”


Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan
Participants speaking
Participants speaking
Participants speaking
Participants speaking

The tech-enabled solutions emerged from the Tech Summit come from all over the region and there are a diverse set of opportunities and resources, from online learning, mentoring, co-working spaces, to freelance work and internships. The private sector, nonprofit, academia and policymakers are committed to empowering youth through education, training and employment and following up with tech-enabled solutions that leverage the power of technology and partnerships to connect youth in the region to lifelong learning and dignified work.