COVID-19 operational guidance for implementation and adaptation of MHPSS activities for children



This COVID-19 operational guidance for implementation and adaptation of MHPSS activities has been developed as a response to country program requests to better understand not only WHAT aspects of MHPSS need to be included as part of the COVID-19 response (as detailed in various guidance and resources), but also to know HOW we can deliver and adapt MHPSS activities in this evolving and challenging landscape.

The guidance was designed for global use as COVID-19 is impacting all contexts and will be a living document that is updated on a regular basis as new resources and adaptations emerge and contexts potentially change. Specific considerations for humanitarian settings are included throughout the document and the interventions are applicable across all levels of the IASC MHPSS Pyramid of Interventions as outlined in UNICEF's MHPSS Community Based Operational Guidelines.

Blue cover of the COVID-19 Operational guidance for MHPSS activities
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